Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Time For a Name Change? USANA's Failure in the United States May Leave No Other Option.

USANA has failed miserably in the United States territory for many years now. Even after all the contests designed to increase the recruiting efforts of their distributors in an attempt to increase their "Active Associate" numbers in the US have failed. Even after USANA added a "Matching Bonus" to their compensation plan, their US territory has failed. Even after dishing out all sorts of bonuses for recruiting distributors and becoming platinum pace setters, USANA has failed in the US market. USANA even stopped publishing their Active Associate numbers for their United States territory because they are so bad and instead give a combined total with Canada, Mexico and even Europe. So what else is left for USANA to do? Change their name - Amway did it in the past with Quixtar.

With a name change people in the US wouldn't know they are still dealing with USANA. In other words, get the bad taste out of everyone's mouth. However, 99% of distributors would continue to lose money... Doing almost any kind of Google search on USANA brings up my blog and my website "www.mlmpyramid.com", which certainly is a problem for USANA distributors trying to mislead others into joining a pyramid scheme.

USANA announced that shipment of any USANA product will be on hold between August 10 and August 14 until after the convention due to a big announcement at their annual international convention. Either USANA is understaffed and nobody will be at their facility to ship product, or USANA simply doesn't want the product shipped due to a major change. It should be noted that Diamond Directors make a lot of money during this convention because USANA pushes attendees to purchase a lot of product for their business.

I have seen many cars advertising Monavie, Herbalife and other MLM companies, but never have I seen anyone driving around with a USANA advertisement. Other MLMs have been expanding in the United States, except for USANA. There isn't much left for USANA to do to improve the US distributorship other than to pull an Amway and change their name. Better yet, USANA should just move their headquarters to a foreign country since the majority of sales is outside the US. Not only that, but the founder had renounced his US citizenship in the 90s and moved his assets to Lichtenstein, which is considered a method of tax evasion. So USANA is simply a foreign owned company.


  1. If anything, there is an entertainment value in reading your blog even if I disagree with some of your points. I'm not going to dispute the North American numbers. Indeed they are reportedly flat according to the financials.
    This is what I recommend and so do you....advertising. That's how you make people aware and that is much easier than distributor cold calling etc. How do you think Centrum got to be such a big product. You can sell a lot of a bad product by advertising, so why not promote a great product with advertising. Just because it is MLM doesn't mean you can promote the product, does it?
    As for the convention, I presume the staff are relocated to convention activities so technically yes they will be understaffed that week. However, it seems their staff are a happy lot since USANA just ranked number 23 out of 100 best places to work in America by Outside magazine, and for the 4'th consecutive year. Things can't be that bad there. I doubt the staff would want to relocate to another country!
    Here is my suggestion for the company: focus on attracting customers and less on the dream that will not be fulfilled by the majority of associates.
    USANA is a public company traded on NYSE. Anyone may buy a piece of the pie.

    1. You write "I'm not going to dispute the North American numbers. Indeed they are reportedly flat according to the financials."

      Worse than flat. They continue to decline quarter after quarter, dismally. Same with their preferred customers...

      You write "I doubt the staff would want to relocate to another country!"

      They wouldn't need to. They could simply stay where they are at in Utah as one of their satellite offices. USANA's headquarters could simply relocate to a closer vicinity to the raw materials and the bulk of their sales - Hong Kong. Manufacturing would be much cheaper over there, especially if they move it into mainland China. Perhaps that's the real reason for the Babycare purchase - to move their USANA headquarters to China, or at least their manufacturing. Time will tell.

      Either way, 99% of distributors will always lose their money in this pyramid scheme, and that's the main focus that should never be forgotten here.

  2. Why is USANA still published in Forbes Magazine and Outside Magazine? Are the stories not true? Thanks.

  3. I believe USANA takes great pride in their U.S. based manufacturing with the highest possible standards. I don't imagine that transporting manufacturing overseas where production is cheaper is in their best interests, at least for the North American market. Despite all of your negative press, they do have record sales globally and are a top-rated place to work.
    USANA's Form 10-Q was released today with the following information:
    North America/Europe: 82000 associates (down 1000 from previous year) and represents 35% of total associates
    Asia/Pacific: 153000 associates (65% of total)

    Preferred Customers:
    North America/Europe: 52000 (78.8%)
    Asia/Pacific 14000 (21.2%)

    So clearly Asia is almost exclusively an associate market (and growing quickly) and North America has a 3:1 ratio of associates:preferred customers.
    Associate incentives currently represent 44.1% of net sales and this is down marginally.

    Despite your comments that things are the end of the world in North America sales were up 0.7% (but that includes Europe) and I do agree it would be nice to have U.S, Canada, and Europe data segregated for a more accurate picture. Year over year associate decline in North America was 1.2% but had a sequential increased 6.5% they believe due to promotions such as lifetime Matching Bonus incentives. Sales per associate increased. France and Belgium added only $0.5 million in sales.
    For all the details, see the following link:

    1. In response to "Despite your comments that things are the end of the world in North America sales were up 0.7% (but that includes Europe) and I do agree it would be nice to have U.S, Canada, and Europe data segregated for a more accurate picture."

      Again, I'm talking about the United States territory. The North American region as USANA defines it consists of Mexico, United States, Canada and Europe. USANA stopped reporting their United States associate numbers beginning in Q1 of this year. The United States sales as well as associate numbers is greater than 10% of their totals, and therefore are significant figures. The only reason USANA can choose not to disclose United States associate numbers is because they want to mask the declining numbers to make the company look like it is doing better than it really is in the United States. They're not fooling me however...

      Selling more Professional Business Packs to fewer active associates might improve sales for the given quarter, but is only a short term boost.

    2. If I had my way, there should be no such thing as a Pro Pack as the only ones it benefits is the upline. Promoting expensive purchases like this I feel is misleading and ultimately leads to unhappy associates. Pretending that one is going to make a lot of money quickly and easily is far from the truth and any associate that promises that is misleading. One does not need to invest much money to stay in this business.
      For the writer below who stated he or she was blamed by his upline, all I can say is he or she was on the wrong team. Next, unless you have excellent product knowledge, forget about selling the concept. When you buy a car, you expect a knowledgeable salesperson. This is the same in any business including any MLM product or service. I am succeeding in this business in just 8 months with real purchasing customers who have entrusted me with my knowledge. I do not mislead anyone and if someone asks about the "opportunity", I tell them the truth. I believe in honesty, truth and I would never encourage ANYONE to buy a Pro Pak. Buy only what YOU will and want to consume. When you have realistic expectations you are more likely to succeed. Do you honestly believe that everyone who has been successful in this business have been screwing their downline? That's nonsense. There are many hard working honest people with this company. I can tell you that my upline operate with the highest integrity and I have the utmost respect for them. It's a shame that the bad apples are allowed to thrive to tarnish the company's reputation, but unfortunately there are bad apples in any industry.

    3. Depends on what you define as success in this company. I don't know what your rank is but there are folks who hit the Gold director level within a few months and I doubt you're a Gold director. It's not the reps' fault that Usana offers the Pro Pack. It's also not their fault that Usana rewards those who do sell those Pro Packs. The system itself is what encourages recruiting and convincing people to buy the most expensive package.

      As you said, the 'bad apples' are allowed to thrive and get recognized and praised but don't forget it's Usana that creates the environment for these bad apples to become that way. There may be some in every industry but not all companies have them, especially not on this big of a scale.

      If you choose to continue to work for Usana, you'll have to accept the fact that many people will think you're a scammer and a fool regardless of how ethical you run your business and just learn to deal with it.

  4. I lost a lot of money over the course of 3 years in trying very hard to build a Usana business. I really hope Usana fails. I would also really like to see the FTC force them to report the true numbers in the US and even audit them. The company is operating under a masked pyramid scheme and it costs so many associates so much money and time.

    Our uplines constantly blame us for not being good salesman, or for not working hard enough, or not doing whatever enough as a reason for the lack of sales. So you stick out, work even harder, invest even more money, and when you are literally exhausted, broke, and just angry all the time from constant rejection and finally hang it up, you look back outside the box and say to yourself "what the f was I thinking."

    Kudos to the watchdog. I am glad to hear that your blog pops up first when people google Usana. New potential associated need to know how Usana really is from people on here that have invested everything they have; monetarily, emotionally, and mentally into trying to build a business that is destined for failure regardless of what your slick upline is trying to sell you on.

  5. My family is in Usana hoax. They have been brainwashed by those associate and actively attend their conference. I am from New Zealand. Recently Usana just started here like a bomb. This is really bad to me. They have lose their sense and knowledge from primary school. The only way to keep yourself in good health is eat fruit, vegi, less meat, do exercise everyday and adequate sleep.

    People are easy to forget this (simple and affordable healthy living formula) and turns out believing on Usana associate. The main point is, all of these associate is only been trained with brainwashed knowledge. They are not professors, doctors, registered nutritionists or whoever that had authority on their words.

    Actually Usana is just selling dreams - Health and Rich. Come on get real, you can have dream while you sleep. You cant buy health and rich. Maybe their product is genuine but I am not challenging their products here. I am challenging the way they sell is quite screwed up. USANA Watch Dog, have you any idea of how to save people from Usana hoax?

    1. "food supplements" not food alternate. Please consult your dictionary. And mind you. . . It's sales we are talking about. Usana focuses on product sales, because of their competent product.

    2. If USANA focuses on product sales, why are they (and yourself??) trying so hard to recruit individuals to sell instead of getting the products sold in stores?? It just doesn't make sense to me.

  6. At the end of the day, you only get out of it, what you put into it! Its a mind set!

    For those new to, or wanting to succeed in USANA, you should refer to "The Secret".

    1. For those who want to succeed in life, do NOT watch "The Secret". All it is, is a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo. Sure, just "intend" and "attract" what you want into your life. Tell that to the starving people in 3rd world countries. And if everything in our lives are a result of us attracting it, then sucks for James Arthur Ray, one of the "experts" who appeared in The Secret. He's now behind bars. He must've 'accidentally' attracted that into his life right?

      Please. If you want to be successful, nothing beats hard work (something many people don't want to accept which is one of the reasons why The Secret was so popular) but working hard in a flawed system won't help much. Success in Usana is a double edged sword. Sure, you can make tons of money but the more money you make, the more people you directly and indirectly screw over.

    2. It sure looks like a lot of the people posting negative comments here have neglected to realize part of your success has to do with the company you keep. If you're around a bunch of whiners and losers, no amount of invested money will result in riches. Success is a mindset. How do you think people like Warren Buffet and Donald Trump can invest and lose billions and still bounce back? Are they involved in scams? Should we blame them for scamming people too? No. They are innovative, industrious business men who continue to press forward and hold themselves accountable for the results they produce. And, they certainly don't go and consult with the broke and destitute, those who have failed and never bothered to readjust or reattempt, for financial advice. This blog is extremely one-sided, ignorant and provides boundless ludicrous content comparable to celebrity tabloids. Thanks & I hope one day you can find better things to do with your time than to hate.

    3. Buffet and Trump are able to bounce back because they know their business and have built their wealth using legitimate business models. Warren Buffet doesn't make money by recruiting people into a money making scheme. Donald Trump once endorsed a network marketing company but have since pulled out after realizing that just putting his name on a scam doesn't mean the scam will work, LOL. However, he was smart enough to realize that the money is made in OWNING an MLM business and not in becoming a distributor.

      Sure, having the right mindset is important when it comes to success but having the right strategy is equally important. When you focus your efforts on a system that is flawed by design, MLM, it's a lose-lose situation.

      Even if you make lots of money in Usana or any other MLM, you're financially hurting a ton of people to get there. You could call them lazy or quitters or whatever but do the math, if just half of them were successful, the entire Earth would be part of an MLM in no time and once that happens, the billions at the bottom are screwed since there won't be anyone left to recruit.

      Real businesses recruit employees to expand. MLMs recruit distributors to survive. See the difference?

      You reps like to call this blog negative but what exactly is negative about it? What has Watchdog written that isn't true? Fact are facts, it's neither positive or negative. Most of the negativity I see on this blog are actually from Usana reps who resort to name calling just because someone disagrees with them. A bit childish. Someone points out a flaw and the reps don't know how to respond so they turn to personal attacks.

    4. For those guys who have watched "The Secret"

      I really believe in this "Law of Attraction" stuff. And I attracted money because of this. But when you use it to USANA business, this is a big bullshit because USANA is just a crap and you cant make money on this business.

  7. The Laughoutloud poster brings up excellent point. Before someone partners with Usana, they are your average person working to support families, exercising sometimes, and eating whatever.

    Then all of a sudden these same people become distributors and are now nutritional experts with the knowledge and experience to recommend supplements to people and the benefits of them with no viable backgrounds? Just seems so fake and artificial to me.

    Usana should just change their model to make money on recruiting new associates and let Dr. Wentz and the other certified nutritional experts sell the products.

    And final point, Laughoutloud posters is absolutely correct. What people all of a sudden forgot that eating vegetables, reducing meat intake, exercising, and proper rest promote a longer healthier life? Supplements are good but in a way also give people an excuse for eating like crap and not exercising because after all they take vitamins which offset unhealthy life styles.

    1. If anyone here has even attended any Usana trainings, they would know that Usana promotes healthy eating, exercise, sleep and creating healthy relationships with others. This is not a pop-a-pill cure-all like the US Government and Big Pharm are trying to promote.
      And while it's true that many Usana associates are not nutritionists or physicians, they have access to scientists who can answer in-depth medical or scientific questions on their behalf, providing medical journals and clinical trial data upon request.
      As an associate myself, I just spend the last week in Salt Lake City with my team attending trainings, broadening our knowledge on the products, business and personal development. At our condo, I taught the team about healthy eating, reducing meat intake, and showed them how to snack healthy and to be sure to include raw foods into their daily meals. For those who believe they can get by in life popping pills, supplements or drugs, and live healthfully by doing so, they are wrong. I really feel that people here need to do some comprehensive research, and to talk to the successful associates to see what is working. I do feel it's a bit flawed to interview high school drop outs to ask about how they feel about the productiveness of educating our youth; or to ask someone who got fired from their job because they were incompetent on how they feel about the concept of having a job and working for a living. A proper assessment can only be made from checking in with both sides. Just saying.

    2. First of all, kudos to you for promoting healthy living! You are one of the few associates who treat the USANA products as SUPPLEMENTS and being a good example of those associates out there.

      However, you need to see the bigger picture. Most of your fellow associates do exaggerating, treating the products as a miracle cure of some sickness. Most of them only see these products as a tool in getting rich by simply skipping the product promotion process and recruiting more people just to gain more money, and no more than that.

      For one thing, I take the supplements too, and I love their Sense products. What I am also against is, is the overdosage of these supplements (I do not know why a lot of these associates recommend a 2-per-meal dosage of both the Mega Antioxidants and Chelated Minerals... That's toxic even if it can be dissolved simply by drinking water.)

  8. It doesn't change the fact that my friend's client was cured of Hepatic Carcinoma. Thank GOD for Dr. Myron Wentz and the whole USANA!

    I prefer to be with these positive, energetic and happy people. What do I get from listening to people who don't like Usana. We all have different beliefs. We're all brainwashed! I'm brainwashed with the positivity of Usana health and financial freedom, and you guys are brainwashed with your negative thoughts. May we all be blessed whichever we believe in, and let's all live a happy life.

    1. My God you sound brainwashed.

    2. Better to be brainwashed, happy and loving life than miserable & broke!

    3. You can be happy and have a loving life without being brainwashed, you know.

      For one thing I do not want stepping on people to be able to be happy and prosperous. :)

  9. Cool, please keep telling people the story about how Usana cured something that your friend had. Tell all potential recruits that as well. Don't mention to them that Usana, like all vitamin companies, states: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    So, it just so happens that Usana cures a bunch of different diseases according to a bunch of Usana reps. How about that? They weren't even trying to cure anything and yet, they were able to cure diseases that scientists who worked specifically on those diseases weren't able to cure. Talk about luck.

    People who are in cults seem to be happy as well so if you have any friends or family members in a religious cult, you should do nothing and just leave them alone because they are happy. All cult members are authentically happy and friendly right? You know who else are really energetic and positive and act like you're their best friend even though they barely know you? People who want to make money off you.

  10. What is the vitamins actually did help that person?

    We all know the statement of "This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, and prevent any disease" is mandated by the FDA as they do not regulate the industry.

    Anything that the FDA does not regulate (aka approve so doctors can perscribe medications and make a ton of money, even on medicine people don't need. Family went to doctor to get shoulder examined, doctor tried very hard to perscribe her depression medication with side effects of suicidal thoughts. Depression medicine for a BRUISED SHOULDER!) the FDA forces that tagline to be added to the products. I guess it is suppose to deter people from trying to take care of their health on their own without taking perscription medication which by the way is one of the top killers in the United States with all the harmful side effects and mis diagnosis.

    So I would much rather take my chances on something that is designed to promotoe good health, and we all know how important vitamins are, and that you really can't put a price tag on health, opposed to leaving my health in the chances of doctors who are trying to make money off of us and get us even more sick.

    You want to talk about cults, how about this watchdog cult? Filled with negative people. Anybody says anything remotely positive on here, and they get crucified. So I will continue to take my Usana vitamins and feel good for as long as I can God willing. If they help me live a longer healthier life, awesome. If they don't, then they don't. When I am dead, won't really matter will it.

    1. Sorry but if Dr Wentz's vision of creating better health for the entire world is true, he would go the retail route and make it available in stores for the masses. It would actually cost less for us consumers and more people would actually know about it. If Usana vitamins can really cure diseases, well, he is doing the world a huge disfavor by putting company profits above health.

      Cool, you hate doctors. Well, when something bad happens to you, don't come crawling to them. Instead, fill up a bathtub with warm water, dump a ton of Usana products in there and bathe in it, that should solve any problems you have. All doctors are bad right?

      As for us haters being a cult, sorry, but you don't know what a cult is. We think on our own. If given evidence that proves something we said is wrong, we'll admit we were wrong. With Usana reps, you all think and say the same thing regardless of the evidence that proves you are wrong.

      You think Usana is really the best but that's only because you're in the company and surround yourself with people who think the exact same thing. Do you realize that there are people in other MLM companies that sell vitamins that feel just as strongly about their company? They all claim their vitamins cures this and that too.

      So all that money spent to find cures for certain things is going to waste when this whole time, there are a bunch of vitamins companies who already have the cure. Right.

      Keep spreading the message that Usana cures things and let's see how long you go without getting sued.

  11. To Logic, in response to my previous post. I am not a distributor nor do I go around telling anyone that Usana's vitamins cure things. I also believe Usana distributors shouldn't go around saying the vitamins cure things either.

    I do know for an absolute fact that doctors are only taught how to diagnose and perscribe medicine for a disease after it develops and receive very little education/training on preventative things.

    Heck, whenever I go to my doctor, or dentist, they simply can not wait to try to perscribe something. It is outrageous. I also know that the majority of perscription drugs have very harmful side effects. So while they might be fixing something, they destroy something else. I do not hate doctors, I just don't trust them nor their hidden agenda of trying to get you on drugs. Like I said, a family went in to get her shoulder looked at and doctor tried very hard to perscribe her DEPRESSION medicine. Thats right, depression medicine even though she wasnt depressed and was trying to find out why her shoulder was hurting.

    Do you know anybody who has had a chronic degenerative disease like cancer, or heart disease, or any other nasty disease, that elected for the chemo, or other powerful perscription drug diagnosism who a) actually felt better while being on this stuff, or b) had their quality of life improve. Let me tell you without a doubt, I have personally experienced loved ones passing, and all these treatments did was prolong a very long, painful, and slow death. Didn't cure anything. If I get sick, I am not going out like that. No thank you.

    The best medicine is to keep our body healthy, and our immune system strong. I personally like Usana's vitamins because I have not found another supplement out there yet that makes me feel as good (real tangible health benefits) then when I am on Usana's vitamins combined with eating a healthy diet, exercise, and rest.

    I have taken many other vitamins over the years and felt nothing. There was no placebo effect because I was very honest with myself and was very critical/skeptical of Usana given the cost of the vitamins.

    If you can recommend another vitamin made at pharmaceutical grade levels and sold on retail stores that cost less than Usana's I am all ears. I have no monetary gain for taking Usana's vitamins, but I do value my health. Nothing you or the watchdog says is going to change the fact that I feel better and get sick less while on Usana's vitamins. That is not a claim for Usana curing anything either.

    I have read a lot of the posts on here and both you and watchdog blast anyone and everyone who says anything remotely positive about Usana.

    I am also very aware of the other nutritional mlm companies out there. I have also done my own research on them and have determined on my own that their products are not as good as Usana's. I have read a lot of information on the best types of ingredients for the vitamins, and the different types of forms the vitamins should be in for maximum absorption etc. Nothing comes close to Usana's and this is not a sales pitch for Usana by any means. I am not a distributor, and have nothing to gain.

    Until something else out there proves me otherwise, I wil continue taking Usana. Much to your displeasure I am sure. But oh well. Maybe taking a bath with usana's vitamins isn't such a bad idea. Throw in some bubbles and champaigne and could be very romantic and healthy evening. Thanks for the tip.

    1. So you're not a distributor. Well, in that case, I could care less if you spend your money on Usana vitamins. You're not selling the business so you're not hurting anyone.

      As for your thoughts on doctors, maybe you should look for another doctor? I saw my doctor a couple of weeks ago and was told to just keep eating healthy and exercise.

      It's great that you were able to try out most of the top vitamins out there and was able to give each company's product enough time to see the results and then actually gauge to see which one was the best. Must've taken you years.

      Anyway, since you're not a distributor, I don't have too much interest in debating with you. The main debate here is the business side of Usana, not the vitamins. I'm sure the vitamins are good but they're just that, vitamins, and not the miracle pills many Usana reps make them out to be.

      Hmm, please point me to where a Usana rep said something positive and TRUE and I still blasted them for it. I've actually praised several who ran their business the ethical way.

      Since you're a big believer in the vitamins, I'm surprised you're not a distributor. Although, you seem to be someone who looks into things before getting involved so perhaps you were actually smart enough to figure out that Usana's business model is a big rip off.

      Like you, I also have nothing to gain from commenting on this blog. It's a shame really. Here you have a great product, the best according to you, that is connected with a shady business model, preventing it from getting into the hands of more people. Oh well, that's what happens when money comes first even though their mission statement says otherwise.

      PS: Did you know you could buy Usana vitamins for almost half off on Ebay?

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Obviously just trying to get a backlink to her site. Spammer.

  13. Keep up the good work usanawatchdog. really like this blog which brings out the truth. unfortunately, a fool is born every minute. they become poor victims of usana.

  14. Sure Usana needs improvements in certain Things. The parts where they could use improvement are the backoffice and the web design features its provides to associates. As for making it available in stores If you guys were even aware of all the BS that the supply chain and advertising involves you wouldn't refer to making things available in stores.

    As for the Cost of opening a Business ProPack is not the only option out there. You can start with a minimum of about $350 (equal to or less than the price of basic TV set or most cell phones or about 5 months of Expensive Cable) As for the Business itself Success or Failure depends on the individual business owner and the marketing model they use and that's true with every business. As for this Blog Its a good thing to have some one critical as it provides feedback Then again there are those who just thrive on criticism and putting others down and doing nothing positive themselves.

    So Here's the Question - Is the Objective of this Blog to cover up your shortcomings or is it to fulfill your desire to feel better by criticizing others and to prevent others from achieving success that is available if one takes action.

    I have associates who didn't even open their initial business pack for a month or attended even one training for about two months and then decided that they would not be successful. That's like opening a coffee shop and then closing it down in a week because you didn't open the shutters everyday. There are people who go out of their way to make things happen and Step up their Game.

    I have people who fall ill every month with common cold and flu and even though I am in the company of these people I have never once been ill in the past year, further more these very people keep taking centrum and There are those who make a conscious effort to improve their health by integrating Vitamins and proper nutrition and exercise.

    As for Teams there are always bad leaders and there are good leaders and ultimately one needs to realize its your business and you have to work at it to make it happen.

    So sure its a great thing to provide constructive criticism its also a great thing to speak the truth and stop misguiding people with an agenda.

    Hope this will help you be more productive and constructive in your criticism


  15. Needs Improvements

    This blog only covers your shortcomings. You are defending a dead horse. The Dog has covered Usana's sham business opportunity in detail. You need only to lift the shroud to see see this.

    You have raised the $20 anti to $350. You failed to point out that the product can be purchased on Ebay for 50 to 60 percent of the wholesale price. You also failed to point out that only your up-line gets paid a commission on your purchases.

    I am glad that you are never sick. I want to point out that my sponsor told me to "make up story about how Usana cured me" as a selling point". You were lying because your up-line told you to do so. You could call this a shortcoming. I could list more shortcomings, but you get the point.

    I hope you will take this criticism personally.

    Do you know who was put in your up-line today?


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